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Quantum Materials Lab

Single Crystals Produced @ QM Lab

Comparative study of Kondo effect in Vanadium dichalcogenides VX2 (X=Se & Te), Indrani Kar, Susanta Ghosh, Shuvankar Gupta, Sudip Chakraborty, S. Thirupathaiah, Physica B: Condensed Matter 674, 415532 (2023)

Observation of Dirac surface states in the hexagonal PtBi2, a possible origin of the linear magnetoresistance

Single Crystals Produced @ QM Lab
Quantum materials are manifestations of the quantum mechanical effects. The phrase 'quantum materials' covers several emerging condensed matter materials like the strongly correlated systems, topological systems, quantum spin liquids, high-Tc superconductors, and so forth. Most importantly, in recent days, quantum materials gained enormous research interests from both the fundamental aspects and the complex technological designs for their futuristic applications such as quantum computations. The exotic physics of these materials stems mainly from the interplay among various quantum mechanical effects, charge and spin excitations, orbital fluctuations, topological properties of the electronic band structure, and etc.
Currently, our group focuses on the topological properties of Dirac and Weyl semimetals, Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC), Quantum spin liquids (QSL), and Two-dimensional (2D) magnetic materials. We grow high-quality single crystals and study their physical & electronic properties to understand the physics of these materials and find their suitability for quantum computations as quantum computers are made merely by materials !!!
Dr. Thirupathaiah Setti
Associate Professor
Department of Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Tel.: +91-33-2335 5706 (extn: 229)
setti@bose.res.in, hitiru@gmail.com
@ Google Scholar @ ResearchGate
Postdoc position: Looking for a self-motivated PhD degree holder (or thesis submitted) for a postdoc position available in my group to carry out experimental or theoretical research. Interested candidates may contact me for more details at hitiru@gmail.com or setti@bose.res.in Ph.D. Positions: We are looking for self-motivated master's degree holders (in physics or materials science) to join our group for the Ph.D. program. Interested candidates may contact me at hitiru@gmail.com or setti@bose.res.in to discuss the available projects.
04. 12. 2023: Shubham has been awarded the "Best Poster Presentation" Prize for his work "Investigation of the Anomalous and Topological Hall Effect in the Layered Monoclinic Ferromagnet Cr2.76Te4" at the Annual Conference on Quantum Condensed Matter (QMAT-2023) held in NISER Bhubaneswar during 27-30 November 2023. 07. 09. 2023: Indrani has successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis. 14. 12. 2021: Indrani has been awarded the Best Oral Presentation Prize at the ICAMMC-2021 Conference. 07. 09. 2021: Susmita has been awarded the Materials Advances Poster Presentation Prize at Interdisciplinary Topics in Materials Science (ITAM-2021)